Monday, October 4, 2010

So sorry i've neglected you....

Soooooo, it's been about a month since my last blog. i've neglected it...why, you ask?!!? because september is super hectic at work since it's the fiscal year end for the government....this is an accurate recap of my september:

work, work, work, aziz ansari show, narce's surprise 30th birthday party, work, work, work, and more work.

that would sum up the ENTIRE month for me. LOL.

Having said that, let me tell you about the two events that i was able to attend, aziz ansari and narce's 30th.

As I suspected, aziz was HILARIOUS. i was freaking out because my brother is ALWAYS late...and i was taking him to go see aziz. (it was only fair...i wouldn't have any idea of who aziz is if joey didn't show me some youtube clips). i told joey to be at my house NO LATER THAN 5:30 because i wanted to be on the road NO LATER THAN 6:30...surprisingly, joey made it to the house on time...but in normal "joey" fashion, he needed to shower and get ready. he seriously takes longer to get ready than any girl that i know. so, i tell him to get into the shower now so we can get food and then get to DC and find parking. i wasn't sure what the parking situation would be since this was the first time that i was going to be going to the warner theatre. (awesome venue,'s a smaller venue and it's beautiful inside-definitely check it out if you're in the area). 6:00 rolls around and i don't hear the shower i start pacing...(if you know me, you know that i HATE being late) i'm watching the clock...sitting on the couch, getting up...start pacing again...and still NO SHOWER running...finally at 6:15, the shower starts. and at this point, i know we're going to be late. there is NO way that joey can get ready in fifteen minutes. it's not his 'style'. we finally leave the house at 6:45...i ask joey, just out of curiosity, why it took him so long...and this is his response (and i quote):

"well, i didn't work out today, so i decided to do 100 push ups before i got in the shower"

ummmm, SERIOUSLY!?! LOL. we manage to hit up chipotle (one of our favorite places to eat) and then we get on the road at 7...the show started at, as i'm RACING down 66 and 495, i'm secretly cursing joey for making me late...and praying that aziz has an opener so that we don't miss any of aziz's stand up. After hitting some traffic and saying some prayers to get us to the show, we finally get into DC. We park and walk across the street to the warner theatre...HOORAY! Aziz has an opener!!! i have never been so excited in my entire life! so we hit the bathrooms and then duck into the theatre...i can't remember aziz's opening act, but the little bit of his act that we saw, was pretty funny! i wish i could remember his name :/ anyways, as suspected, aziz put on an AWESOME show..joey and i were in tears from laughing so hard. his new stand up is pretty funny, and he came out and did some of his old jokes. he's awesome...still crushin' a lil on him ;) heh. check out some of his pics...such a daper looking dude...LOVE YOU AZIZ!!!! ;)

The next night, was reserved for narce's 30th birthday. Now, since 30 is a big milestone, the party had to be off the chain! ;) ana and joy definitely pulled off a GREAT party! If you know narce, you know that she has a love for 'theme' parties...for her 29th birthday, she did a 70s roller skating party...the year before that, she did an 80s party...this girl LOVES themes! so, having said that, ana and joy definitely wanted to bring her love of theme parties into the surprise. they pulled it off wonderfully! they decided to do a masquerade party for her.  it was great! the only problem was trying to figure out who was who! they requested that everyone wear black or that narce could really stand out in her outfit. it definitely worked. narce looked gorgeous in her new, floor length, one shoulder, BCBG dress...simply amazing. I definitely loved how everyone participated in the theme...everyone was dressed to the nines and decked out in masks. it just showed how much everyone cares for narce. the only "hitch" is that it wasn't really a surprise :/ she pretty much knew about the festivities. other than that, it was FABULOUS. narce's whole family was there...brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, mom, was great! and kudos to ana and joy...i'm sure it was stressful...trying to pull of this party...but you guys did AWESOME! :) check out the pics below from the par-tay:


best friends. ivory and ebony ;) kidding. me and will.

gorgeous girls!

narce's, dad, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews...the whole clan!

birthday girl and me :)

And that, recaps my entire month of september. ugh. i promise that i'll blog more in october! lots of fun stuff to look forward to this month! :)

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