Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vivid Imagination?!

So, i suppose i have a very vivid imagination since my dream last night was wicked crazy. "they" say that dreams are usually composed of things you've done or thought of throughout the day...but i am pretty sure i didn't have any conversations about space shuttles as airplanes that crashed in my mom's backyard or little cute asian babies or random superheroes...actually, i'm positive i didn't. here's what i remember from my wacky dream last night...

i dreamt that i was in this house that was right behind my mom' was GORGEOUS...there were these awesome chandeliers that were hanging from the vaulted ceilings...i remember looking up at them and checking out all the awesome art work on the walls and the beautiful furniture....i had this distinct feeling that i had been in that house before but i couldn't put my finger on when that was. so as i'm walking around, i look out one of the windows and i can see my mom's backyard. i point to it and tell whomever was with me (can't remember who it was or if i even knew them) but i turn my head to look at the person i'm talking tell them that that was my mom's house...then when i turn back to look out the window and point at the house, i see this HUGE space shuttle, which i assume was supposed to be an airplane...only because it had 'delta' written on the side in big, bold letters. my mouth drops open because i see that the plane/shuttle is 1. HUGE. 2. flying extremely low to the ground. The next thing i know, the shuttle/plane lands right in between my mom's yard and her neighbor's. it looked like it landed straight down and in one piece, but then i turn my head to yell at the person that was with me, 'LOOK! DID YOU SEE THAT?!' and then i look back out the window, and the space shuttle is not up in flames, but smoking, and is in like, 3 separated pieces. So, then i yell that we need to go help them, but i smell this AWFUL smell...probably from the smoke, i dunno...and the person was like, wait....we need to wait. and then she/he goes, this baby (super cute toddler that suddenly appeared...he was definitely an asian baby-just not sure what ethnicity) the youtube video...he really wants to see it. so this little asian toddler walks very unsteadly over to where i was sitting, and plops down in my lap. I turn on the computer, and i am freaking out, because i know there are people hurt in that space shuttle/plane that i need to help, and the stench is giving me a headache, and i'm thinking, this baby shouldn't be exposed to this nasty smell--it could be toxic...but i end up turning the computer on and showing him a youtube clip of some super hero...i can't remember if it was spiderman or superman, but the kid is definitely entertained. when the clip is over, he simply says, 'again'...and then i wake up.

it was so weird. i definitely remember that i dreamt in color...i remember seeing a light green color on the walls and the cute, asian baby had dark, black hair and was wearing a white onesie with some picture on it...he was ADORABLE!

i don't usually remember my dreams...and i have NO CLUE what this one means, but it was highly entertaining!

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