Monday, August 23, 2010

My First Blog!

I have FINALLY caved. I have officially started a blog...there must be pigs flying or hell must be freezing over! JUST KIDDING! I'm a little late with the trends, so don't judge. Besides, I'm a simple girl that is just trying to keep my head above water with myspace (yes, i still check that every once in awhile), facebook, emails, texts, IMs (yes, i still use Instant Messenger as well) and every other non-verbal communication outlet. Sheesh! this was just one more 'thing' to add to that list. I'm not exactly sure what i'll be writing about...or if it'll even be funny...but since one of my many "bucket list" items is to write a book, i figured this would be a good test/first step. I guess the first thing to do, is to introduce myself, right? My name is Lisa. I'm 2 years from turning 30 (which, i'm dreading...and DO NOT tell me that 30 is the new 20-that does NOT help). Obviously, (from my title) you know that I'm single, and that I find myself somewhat funny. I have a tendency to type the way I talk. I only work out so that I can come home to veg on the couch and eat a carton of ice cream. I love clothes, but hate dressing up (I'm a tshirt/jeans kind of girl). Music is my life. Those are the basic facts that you need to know about me, but stay tuned. I'll reveal more facts in later blogs...anyways, bare with me. I'm still new at this. Hopefully, I'll have some funny/witty/crazy experiences to share along this wild, blog ride. wish me luck!


  1. First follower...holllla!! I can't wait to keep up with this! Actually I can't wait to read it the day after everyone gets together for an outing! There are always great stories! Have fun with it!! mwah!!

  2. p.s. You hate dressing up?!? You're always so stylish tho!!!

  3. 1. you are not close to 30... two years is a long time.. so u cannot say you are 30.
    2. You are funny :)
    3. Love you!
